Epsilon Chapter of the Southern Order of Chi Phi, Established 1867.

Since 1867, the Brothers of the Epsilon Chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity have exemplified the enduring morals and values of Hampden-Sydney College. Champions of truth, honor, and personal integrity, they uphold the College’s mission through their commitment to academic achievement, leadership in athletics, dedicated volunteerism, and meaningful social contributions. From the first steps of recruitment to the iconic walk across Venable Lawn at graduation, the men of Chi Phi Epsilon forge unbreakable bonds and develop strong character, embodying the timeless principles of Hampden-Sydney in all facets of their collegiate journey.

  • Alumnus

    Reconnect with fellow Epsilon alumni, or with current members.

  • Donate

    Your contribution will help continue the legacy of Chi Phi Epsilon for another 150 years.

  • Events

    Reunions, tailgates, and other events meant for brothers of Chi Phi Epsilon.